April 21-22, 2025
Pyle Center, Madison, WI
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Venue: Room 335 - Hybrid clear filter
Monday, April 21

10:15am CDT

Book Clubs, Pubs, and Grub
Monday April 21, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Book Clubs, Pubs, and Grub share best practices on co-branding programs within your community. We discuss the lessons learned through neighborhood and community outreach programs.  Examples include - bar and coffee shop-based book clubs, BAM (Books and More - speed round book club during lunch at the local school), Park Popups (storytimes with activities and crafts), and full literary celebrations at locally owned brewpubs.  We share lessons on how to duplicate our successes and circumvent possible roadblocks. At the completion of this session, participants will be able to
  1. Recognize community partners, identify commonalities, and create co-branded programming.
  2. Utilize best practices to support and empower diverse community partners to ensure mutual success.
  3. Incorporate proven outreach techniques to bring library programs into the community.

avatar for Resa Mai PhD

Resa Mai PhD

Library Director, Morris Area Public Library
Resa Mai is a hands-on public library Director in Illinois. She facilitates partnerships within her community and across the state to create engaging exciting programs.  As a lifelong learner she understands that education is varied and personal.  It is a passage as well as a destination... Read More →
Monday April 21, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Room 335 - Hybrid

11:30am CDT

Improving Accessibility @ Community Events
Monday April 21, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
Libraries play a vital role in community engagement, and ensuring community events are accessible to people with disabilities is critical. In this session, you’ll learn best practices for planning inclusive events that meet the needs of all participants, how to advocate for accessibility, and what to do when a new need arises. We’ll explore how to find community partners who can support your inclusive efforts and discuss common challenges in creating truly welcoming spaces. Accessible event planning guides will be shared to help you apply these strategies effectively. Join us to ensure your library’s community events are both welcoming and accessible to everyone in the community.

Chelsey Myhre Foster

Library Director, Village of Coon Valley Public Library
Chelsey is a Wisconsin Certified Peer Specialist, Parent Peer Specialist, and Library Director in the Village of Coon Valley WI. She formerly served as an Independent Living Specialist and Statewide Coordinator at a Disability Service Non-profit.
Monday April 21, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
Room 335 - Hybrid

2:00pm CDT

Teen Engagement One Snack at a Time
Monday April 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Post-COVID, our library experienced a significant increase in disruptive teen behaviors in our library and we also noticed a significant rise in food insecurity. We piloted a project with donated prepacked snacks where teens were offered a snack upon entering the teen space prior to engaging with any of the programming or resources in the space. Within a short timespan we saw a significant decline in disruptive behavior and our usage numbers for the space increased. We worked quickly to gain community resources and developed a nutrition component to the program to educate the teens on food choices and how bodies process nutrients. We gained data to show the gap in the community in providing direct food to teens through partnership with local food banks who discovered that they weren't serving teens. Attendees will learn how we took the problem of poor teen behavior from incident reports and addressed it with fighting food insecurity. They will also learn how to engage and advocate with community partners and funders around a service not often provided in libraries, but a population that is welcomed in libraries more than elsewhere in the community and lastly they will learn how to change the message of what a library is to build a community of support around a common community challenge.
avatar for Jamie Menning

Jamie Menning

Teen Services Manager, Council Bluffs Public Library
avatar for Antonia Krupicka-Smith

Antonia Krupicka-Smith

Director, Council Bluffs Public Library
Antonia Krupicka-Smith leads the Council Bluffs Public Library to provide access and information to the community of Council Bluffs and surrounding Pottawattamie County residents.  She values connecting the community with resources with a lens of trauma-informed service and enjoys... Read More →
Monday April 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Room 335 - Hybrid

3:15pm CDT

Smile! Health Outreach to Plain Communities
Monday April 21, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
A public library in rural Wisconsin developed an oral health information resource tailored to under-served Amish and Anabaptist communities. You will learn 1) how the project was conceived in collaboration with the Network of the National Library of Medicine and the Wisconsin State Advisory Group, 2) how the activity book was designed in consultation with community elders, a dental student, and local artists for cultural relevance, age-appropriateness, and ease of comprehension, and 3) how the resource was presented to and received by three parochial schools. As a bonus, you will learn how to download, print, and share this free resource with your own communities!
avatar for Darlene Kaskie

Darlene Kaskie

Associate Director of Region 6, Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM)
Darlene supports the mission of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to improve access to biomedical information for health professionals and the public. She has her Consumer Health Information Specialization from the Medical Library Association and earned her Master of Library... Read More →

Elizabeth Miniatt

Library Director, D.R. Moon Memorial Library
As the director for the D.R. Moon Memorial Library in Northern WI, Elizabeth brings a passion for rural libraries and the communities they serve. Over the past five years her library has created and expanded an extensive outreach program to rural communities in the area, including... Read More →

Caitlyn Mowatt

Program Manager, Northern Highland Area Health Education Center in Wisconsin
Caitlyn leads health education programs for students, professionals, and community partners. She has over 10 years of experience in non-profit project management and over 15 years in marketing and communications. Her work has supported health literacy initiatives at local, state... Read More →
Monday April 21, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Room 335 - Hybrid
Tuesday, April 22

9:00am CDT

Partnering with Local Service Organizations for Academic Library Success
Tuesday April 22, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
Beginning August 2022 the Florida Atlantic University Libraries began to increase engagement activities with local service organizations such as Rotary, Daughters of the American Revolution, Zonta, and the Junior League. This presentation will highlight: 1) how partnering with local service organizations becomes a win-win event for the entire community 2) how partnering with local service organizations can help increase fundraising revenues and 3) how partnering with local service organizations helps raise the overall profile of the host University.
avatar for Dr. Linda Marie Golian-Lui

Dr. Linda Marie Golian-Lui

Dean of University Libraries, Florida Atlantic University
Dr. Linda Marie Golian-Lui serves as the Dean of University Libraries at Florida Atlantic University. She has over 25 years of senior administrative leadership experience and believes that an engaged library organization directly impacts the recruitment, retention, progression and... Read More →
Tuesday April 22, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
Room 335 - Hybrid

10:15am CDT

Serving Seniors: Community Partnership & Outreach with Senior Living Facilities
Tuesday April 22, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
In this session, participants will learn how to initiate these partnerships and programs, the kinds of services offered through outreach to these facilities, how the programs have changed and evolved over time, and the feedback received from both patrons and facility staff. Participants will take away a simplified idea of engaging with senior living facilities, to bring the library to them, and be able to workshop ways adapt their services to these users’ needs.

avatar for Alyssa Jurgens

Alyssa Jurgens

Adult Services Librarian, W.J. Niederkorn Library
Alyssa Jurgens has been the Adult Services Librarian at the W.J. Niederkorn Library in Port Washington, WI for the last 2 years (almost 3 years by the time the conference takes place) where she does the adult programming and outreach, maintains the adult fiction, periodical, and video... Read More →
Tuesday April 22, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Room 335 - Hybrid
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