April 21-22, 2025
Pyle Center, Madison, WI
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Venue: Alumni Lounge (1st floor) clear filter
Monday, April 21

12:30pm CDT

Monday April 21, 2025 12:30pm - 2:00pm CDT
If you prepaid for lunch as part of your registration, please go to the Alumni Lounge on the first floor of the Pyle Center.
For those not receiving a conference lunch, we encourage you to check out the nearby food trucks and restaurants on State Street!
Monday April 21, 2025 12:30pm - 2:00pm CDT
Alumni Lounge (1st floor)

4:30pm CDT

Monday April 21, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm CDT
Join your fellow conference attendees in the Alumni Lounge on the first floor for enjoy beautiful views of Lake Mendota, good conversation, and a tasty nacho bar.
Monday April 21, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm CDT
Alumni Lounge (1st floor)
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